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Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's pamphlet celebrates the achievements of women in history, including earning the right to vote and the creation of International Women's Day, but she also discusses how far women still have to go for equality. Gurley Flynn…
A political cartoon celebrating the ratification of the 19th Amendment shows Uncle Sam holding a baby, representing women's suffrage, while a woman looks proudly on from a doorway labeled "Tennessee," the last state needed to ratify the amendment. A…
In this political cartoon we see Uncle Sam, dressed as a policeman, watching a suffragist who is armed with a brick labeled "anarchy," a bomb labeled militancy," and a torch labeled "arson," as she prepares to smash a window labeled "American Law &…
A man dressed in colonial garb stands in the doorway of a building labeled "Votes for Women Convention," and bows to an approaching suffragist in this cartoon. The suffragist represents the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association and she carries a…
This newsletter was instrumental in distributing information about the Suffrage movement. It was the primary means of getting the message out.

This full page feature in the Pittsburgh Courier newspaper features photographs taken during the Presidential campaign rally for Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Music Hall.
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